+44 (0) 7876 456 312

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Badminton for Companies


A team sport such as badminton requires both mental and physical ability. It is fun at all levels and easy to play. Badminton coaching London can manage the venue, organize trophies, provide catering as well as photography. Badminton Coaching London has a team of qualified coaches who can organise coaching as well as fun games and exercises.

Call us today on 07876 456312 for a free quote


A badminton tournament is a great way to build team morale and engender a fun but competitive element. It helps relieve stress and gives you the chance to beat other companies or other colleagues.

Badminton Coaching London can come to a venue and day of your choosing. We can offer the foolowing services:

  • Qualified BAdminton coaches
  • Venue hire
  • Catering
  • Trophies and photography

To book your free company group session email [email protected] or call us on 07876 456312